The Provenance Behind “I Wonder the Reason Why”

“I Wonder the Reason Why” started out when I pondered about why Jesus Christ died on the cross. I was going to finish the it by a certain time but I relented to do so because I wanted to give clarity of why God did what He did for us.
Frankly, I added more words to describe the questions used in the song to make the feeling flow better. It took lots of winnowing my deep thoughts into writing to finish the three stanzas. So I kept thinking and thinking and trying to make the lyrics fit before I was going to email these lyrics to my friend, Anders, who wrote the music to this song.
The verses were going to have four lines each but, I felt leery of how the song will sound like. Decisively the three stanza now have eight lines.
Eventually I showed my penmanship to Mrs. Westcott. The song was going to be “The Reason I Wonder Why” but she told me it wasn’t correct grammar, so I changed it to “I Wonder the Reason Why. She also helped me fix other sentences.
I wonder the reason why? I wonder the reason why He treasured sinners such as you and I?
All of us are tainted with the stain of sin. Sin is anything that God dislikes, and because of it, we are detached from a relationship with Him, so God sent His Son to pay for all mankind so we can have a reattached relationship with Him!
Pondering about His love is the meaning behind this beautiful sounding song performed by my amazing friend, Andrea!

Verse 1:
O LORD, why did you do this?
For I have committed sin;
I chose to go my own way
I drifted far from You.
Why did You choose the cross,
to suffer for mankind’s loss?
I do not deserve this deed,
For in my sin I do proceed.

Why would you decide to die
For a wretch such as I?
I wonder the reason why
You treasure someone like I?
Why would you take my place;
Show mercy, love, and matchless grace?
Amazing that You’d die upon a tree;
Shed Your blood for all depravity!

Verse 2:
O LORD, why do You love me;
When I’ve done iniquity,
I transgressed against You constantly,
Come short of Your glory?
And why is Your love so great?
I’ve done deeds that I know You hate;
I have lots of shortcomings.
How come You are so loving?

Verse 3:
O LORD, I do not want to sin.
You are whom I long for within
Despite that I still do wrong.
Forgiveness can come along,
Although I still make mistakes,
Your child You will not forsake.
On myself I cannot rely;
Only You can change my life.

Published by Tae Kwon Dave

Hi my name is David M. I am a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, a worship song writer, the leader of a Christian collective, Sang-tified, and a Power Rangers fan! My passions are music & martial arts! Being excellent in Tae Kwon Do is a dream I won't give up on!

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